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Image by Shawn Sim


Our free workshops have now ended, but you can continue attending workshops every week by joining our membership!
Monday 20th January
Hosted by Annie Mumford
Keep Time Like A Swiss Watch
Gaining confidence with handling the metronome, expanding exercise repertoire, and solidifying your grooves.
Monday 3rd February
Hosted by Annie Mumford
Independence Day
About strengthening your independence, practicing playing the "melody" with your feet and expanding your exercise repertoire.
Monday 27th January
Hosted by Annie Mumford
Triple Trouble: Shuffle Your Way To The Finish Line
Includes comparisons between straight and shuffled grooves, song analysis, improving stick technique.
Monday 10th February
Hosted by Annie Mumford
I Just Wanna Fill
Recapping exercises from weeks 1-3 and applying these concepts to learning how to integrate/develop fills into your practice, including linear fills and triplet fills
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